I love when the new year hits. It signals us to take stock, reflect and create growth in our lives.
Yesterday in yoga I offered my students the intention of 'letting go.' So many times on new years eve we create endless lists of goals, aspirations and dreams, but sometimes we can forget to let go of past setbacks and stories to make room for all of this new amazingness.
I am committed to letting go of past stories that i've been holding onto and that have been holding me back from creating the things I really want in my life.
While i'm still drafting my 2014 dreams, I thought I'd share just a few I have so far:
-Host more Present Moment Workshops
-Daily morning meditation to set the tone for my day
-Finish all the books I've downloaded onto my iPad - the list grows daily!
-Dedicate one entire uninterrupted hour of each day studying French
-Travel! (this is going to be a big one for 2014)
-Spend even more time on my yoga mat
-Weekly date nights with the husband
I have a very intricate goal setting system because few things thrill me more than having empowering intentions and being passionate about your dreams.
So while you're dreaming, creating, thinking and imagining today... spend a moment to think about something you'd like to release. If past burdens, hurt and anxieties are still taking up space in your mind, body and heart, they are just simply holding you back!
And if you're unsure if there's something you need to let go of- sit tight! Because this week I'm going to share a creation meditation with you that will help you envision exactly what you want in your life and exactly what you need to let go of to reach that.
Have a happy and healthy! Cheers to a new year!
sat nam, b