The way EFT, or tapping, works is that a person taps certain meridian points on his or her body and combines it with verbal affirmations. Tapping these points on your body is almost like using acupuncture. EFT can be used to shake up limiting beliefs, squelch anxiety and stress or even just help you become a more positive person by diminishing negative thought patterns.
I have explored this technique before and definitely use it if I'm feeling overwhelmingly stressed out about something. Although I don't teach it in my workshops (yet!) I suggest students learn about it. Think of it like a stress-less tool in your anxiety tool box! We can never have enough of those!
Here's a quick break down of EFT with Nick Ortner and Kris Carr. They do a wonderful job explaining EFT and how to do it. Nick also has a book out, The Tapping Solution, if you want to learn even more:
Have you ever tried EFT? I've felt powerful shifts through using this technique. Notice how some of these points are our third eyes, our heart centers and the crown of our heads. I also really love that Nick encourages us to really dig deep into our anxieties. He wants us to dig below the surface of our initial fears and discover what is really the driving force behind them.
Next time you're stressed, give it a whirl! Use EFT to tap into something amazing!
xo b