Ever notice how you're often hardest on yourself? People with anxiety are naturally type-a and have perfectionistic tendencies. Those two traits sometimes lead us to be even harder on ourselves than we even realize.
Here are some heart-opening poses that will help alleviate depression and ease anxiety. These poses also focus on the intention of love by expressing our hearts outward and allow us to share this intention with the universe.
-Start on your belly, press your palms down underneath your shoulders and hug your arms into your rib cage with elbows up
-Begin to press into your hands and curl yourself up. Lift up to full upward facing dog pose by straightening the arms gently, looking up to the sky and lifting your knees off the ground (toes stay down, pointed). If your back is tight or injured, only lift halfway up into Cobra. Lift only up to your ribcage and focus the lift from your back rather than your hands.
-Practice a few rounds of this, inhaling up and exhaling back down onto your stomach.
*keep your shoulders back and spread open through your collarbones to keep your heart open and shining!
-Start lying face down with your hands resting by your hips.
-Bend your knees and reach back to hold your ankles or the tops of your feet.
-Press your feet against your hands and begin to lift up off the ground. Take your time lifting. Use the energy between your hands and feet to lift deeper into your backbend.
**before you lift up, roll your shoulders back. as you deepen your backbend here over time, begin to roll into your belly and feel a lift through your thighs.you can roll forward and backward if you have that available to you.
-Lie on your back and reach your hands by your hips
-Tuck your hands under your hips, palms facing down
-Lift onto your forearms and gently begin to ease your head down
-Some might stay here for awhile. If you have more range of motion, release the top of your head down onto the ground/mat, crown of your head to the floor.
-Keep your legs pressed together. Lift up through your chest and feel your heart expand.
**focus on the lower back here as you create this pose. If your back doesn't support this alone, keep your forearms on the ground to help give you lift
Another super quick heart opener you can do is interlace your hands behind your back and pull your knuckles towards the ground. Feel your shoulders roll back, begin to backbend and look towards the sky.
Make sure your back is warmed up and stretched before moving through any backbends!
Set your intention today to create self love. Be mindful of your thoughts. Be aware of your energy. Notice how you're showing up for yourself on a daily basis. Shift your perspective and be first on line to receive your love and acceptance!
with LOVE,
xo b