What is future freaking? Well, it's pretty much what it sounds like. We spend a huge amount of time having anxiety about future events or situations and stressing about their outcomes. Think about the last time you were super anxious. Were you freaking about something that hadn't happened yet? An upcoming flight? A presentation at work? A lot of us are experts are worrying about the future and imagining all of these worst case scenario's in our heads. I share a tip with a lot of my students and it's something I use a lot when anxious- the Present Pause. I literally stop, focus and bring my attention back to the present moment. There is an awesome kundalini meditation that I love to lead and it's super easy to do at home when you need a little extra help releasing the trap of future freaking. So if you find yourself obsessing over something that hasn't even happened yet, or you just need a little support getting back to your present moment, try this meditation and start to feel better in minutes!
Kundalini Meditation to Ditch Future Freaking
~ start with sitting up tall
~use this mudra: rest the back of your left hand in your right palm. lay your right thumb in your left palm and cross your left thumb over your right one. it's like your thumbs are locked. then wrap your right fingers around the outside of your left hand.
~use this mantra: dhan, dhan, ram dass gura
~do it: 11 minutes
Try this meditation the next time you want to stay connected to the present moment.
sat nam,
xo b