Why do inversions? From just a general health perspective, inversions reverse blood flow and improve circulation, they increase our immunity, prevent illness and even energize us! From our perspective of being over-stressed and anxious, inversions calm our nervous systems. Inversions trigger our parasympathetic nervous system which enables us to feel calm and balanced. Our sympathetic nervous system is responsible for our stress response, so the more we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the more grounded and stable we'll feel!
Now, not every inversion is built the same. Yes, you can pop into headstand for a couple of minutes and enjoy the benefits of flippng your world upside down, but what if that's not in your practice yet? Are you out of luck? Nope! Here are some beginner-friendly inversions that you can try today:
**contraindications: unmedicated high blood pressure, some heart conditions, neck injuries, recent stroke, detached retina, glaucoma, and epilepsy are common issues that should be addressed before inverting. Always talk with your doc if you're unsure before adding something new into your practice and life!
xo b