we're officially one month into the new year. i can't believe how fast january flew by! this is a great time to check in with ourselves and see how our intentions and goals are going. it's easy when kicking off a new year with big goals and aspirations to sometimes fall off the wagon, but what's crucial to remember is that slipping up might happen. we skip yoga class in favor of a netflix binge. we have one too many glasses of wine with dinner. we indulge in a sweet treat. we fall back into old, comfortable patterns.
today i'm going to share a Tapping practice for when this happens- EFT to bust through those old habits! it's going to help you when you have a slip up because it's going to kick those stories we tell ourselves to the curb! you know the stories- they hold us back. they justify our actions. they convince us that maybe we can't really change. and they shape our perceptions. when our stories tell us that we "can't" succeed, we believe them. when our stories make us feel weak, we start to think that maybe we can't reach our goals. we're going to ditch those stories with this EFT practice!
Start in a comfortable seated position and reflect on your tapping points
TAP POINT BETWEEN YOUR EYEBROWS: i am commited to letting go of this story
TAP POINT OUTSIDE OF EYE: this negative mindset doesn't serve me and i have no use for it
TAP POINT UNDER EYE: i will not let old patterns and habits hold me back from living up to my full potential
TAP POINT UNDER NOSE: i recognize that this story is not me, it's something i've created and cling to in order to justify behaviors that aren't empowering me
TAP POINT ON CHIN: i'm finally ready to let this story go
TAP COLLARBONE POINT: slip ups will happen and mistakes will be made, but they don't define me
TAP POINT UNDER YOUR ARM: i'm going to recognize when these stories pop up and create more empowering thoughts
TAP TOP OF HEAD POINT: i release these stories, these habits and these old patterns in favor of living my life with purpose and power
practice this technique when you feel stuck and held back!
xo sat nam,